UKIP at a glance

will keep this one brief. 

UKIP are a party that is in favour of charging people to see GPs. 

They want to privatise the NHS, i.e. UKIP doesn't mind public money going to companies trying to profit out of the NHS. 

UKIP want to lower taxes for wealthy people even more than the Tories, i.e. the Tory tax cut for people earning over £150,000 is not enough in UKIP's eyes.

UKIP have teamed up with a far right Polish political party which is purportedly headed up by a man who thinks women should not be allowed to vote.

Nigel Farage is not a 'man of the people'; he went to a private boarding school and worked as an investment banker - he has not lived a life of financial hardship, like the thousands today who live in fuel poverty or who need food banks to survive.

Therefore vote for a Labour government that will reverse Tory NHS privatisation, reduce GP waiting times, reverse the tax cut for the wealthiest, protect the Human Rights Act and will have more women MPs and cabinet members than any other UK party.