Labour Campaign for Human Rights held a fascinating event this evening to discuss what our workers' rights might look like after Brexit. The panel (Keir Starmer MP, Polly Toynbee, Schona Jolly QC and Narmada Thiranagama, moderated by Stewart Wood) made it clear that, whatever our relationship with the EU looks like in the future, we need strong assurances that laws protecting our workers' rights are safe: no discrimination in the work place, maternity and paternity rights, fair working hours, proper health & safety standards and equal pay.
Voters need to know that leaving the EU could mean these rights are lost, and any campaign to save them needs to tap into how people feel so they see relevance to their life and not merely more impenetrable words from Westminster that fail to resonate.
Finally, and just as importantly, throughout the debate at this election and beyond, we must speak up and challenge the minority who have used Brexit as a vehicle to express their racism. All parties must unite to speak out loudly, so there can be no doubt that Britain is a place that celebrates diversity.