Arden Academy Visit

Absolutely loved talking to sixth form pupils at Arden Academy today in the Meriden constituency. As always, these young minds prove that they know exactly what's going on. They had questions on my and Labour's stance on the EU (we're for it because it brings money and jobs), UKIP (they're awful and want to lower taxes for the rich and privatise the NHS), the deficit (it was a global financial crisis and Labour reduced the deficit when in power until the world was hit), elitism of politics (approx 74% of Tory MPs were privately educated and hardly any women Cabinet members compared to Labour's approximately 22% privately educated MPs and all women shortlists to get many more women into politics), the chances of Labour success in Meriden (real, as people have seen that the Tories are out to privatise the NHS and up tuition fees up to £9,000 per year for people wanting to make themselves more employable by studying for degrees), apprenticeships (Labour want more of them, they want technical degrees to make a prestigious alternative route to academic degrees and they want a young person's jobs guarantee to help young people struggling for work - this will save money on benefits and provide real work experience for the long term) and many more questions. Throughout I reminded them that I'm in politics because I'm angry at all the inequality I see and until there is equal opportunity, society will remain unfair.